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Updated: Mar 5, 2025

Swim Lesson Registration - 2025

Registration open at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, April 1st.

A registration link will be posted once private and group lesson dates and times are finalized.

Public Swim, Family Swim, Aquafit, Lane Swim

The pool schedule for the Harriston Pool and Palmerston Pool for 2025 is as follows: 

Harriston Pool

  • Afternoon Public Swim - Sundays - Fridays from 2:00-3:30 PM (beginning June 27th)
  • Evening Public Swim - Mondays - Fridays from 6:30-7:40 PM (beginning June 16th)
  • Family Swim - Sundays from 3:30-5:00 PM (beginning June 22nd)
  • Aqua Fit - Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:45-8:30 PM (beginning June 24th)

Palmerston Pool

  • Afternoon Public Swim - Mondays - Saturdays from 2:00-3:30 PM (beginning June 27th)
  • Evening Public Swim - Mondays - Fridays from 6:30-7:40 PM (beginning June 16th)
  • Family Swim - Saturdays from 3:30-5:00 PM (beginning June 21st)
  • Lane Swim - Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:45-8:30 PM (beginning June 23rd)

Please note that:

  • Evening public swims begin the week of June 16th at both pools
  • The Harriston Pool will be open from Sundays – Fridays
  • The Palmerston Pool will be open from Mondays – Saturdays

Admission Standard & Entry Requirements

Admission Standard – Public Swim

Children under the age of 10 who are non-swimmers must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who is at least 14 years of age and responsible for their direct supervision (i.e. within arm’s reach at all times). Caregivers aged 14-17 are only allowed to supervise up to 2 children at a time. An adult aged 18+ may supervise a maximum of 4 bathers, of which only 2 can be under the age of 6.

Children between the ages of 7-9 who are swimmers (able to demonstrate comfort in the pool and can pass the facility swim test) may be admitted to the swimming pool unaccompanied. Lifeguards may use their professional judgement to determine whether a child’s swimming ability is deemed adequate for a “swimmer” or not.

Children 7-9 years of age may attempt the swim test to determine if they may swim unaccompanied in the water. A caregiver must be present for the swim test. Once a swimmer passes the swim test, they may swim unaccompanied. Non-swimmers MUST remain in arm’s reach of their guardians at all times. Unsuccessful swimmers must wait until the following day to make another attempt to pass the swim test.

Swim test criteria: 

  • front swim with face in water as much as possible one length
  • pull self out of pool, jump back in 
  • tread for 1 minute

Entry Requirements – Family Swim

The Admission Standard applies for Family Swim as well as the following:

All children must have a guardian present on the deck. Patrons 18 and under require supervision by a family member over 18 inside the pool area. Birthday parties are not permitted during Family Swim. At least two guards are to be always working during this swim. Toys are permitted if the privilege is not abused and is at the discretion of staff.

Swim Lessons & Swim Team

Swim Lessons 

The Town of Minto follows the Lifesaving Society swim lesson program for both group (June) and private swimming lessons (July and August). Lessons are available for children beginning at age 6 months (parent assisted) and older at both the Harriston Pool and Palmerston Pool from June to August. A group swimming lesson may need to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. If a class has been cancelled more than once during a group session, the lesson will be made up on the following Saturday provided pool time and space is available.

There are three categories of lessons offered through the Lifesaving Society:

  • Parent & Tot 1-3 – ages 6 months – 3 years
  • Preschool A, B, C, D, E - ages 3 years – 5 years
  • Swimmer 1-10 – ages 6 and up

First time swim lesson precipitants ages 6 and up start in Swimmer 1. Descriptions for each lesson type can be found on Active Net.

Swim Team 

Swim Team is a great way to improve your fitness level, build endurance, learn new skills and correct strokes. Each participant is encouraged to strive for their personal best and will have the opportunity to compete in local swim meets held at various aquatic facilities throughout the area.

  • July 1 - August 9 (Monday – Thursday)
  • Juniors Swimmers will practice Mondays and Wednesdays
  • Seniors Swimmers will practice Tuesdays and Thursdays

Participants 8 and under must be able to swim one length of the pool (25m) using a recognizable stroke. Participants 9 and older must be able to swim two lengths of the pool (50m) using a recognizable stroke.

Please note the practices are not meant to be treated as swimming lessons. They are fast-paced and not to be mistaken for lessons or stroke correction.

Participants are expected to be able to compete in at least two of the three swim meets as well as finals.

Saturday meets are scheduled for: July 12th, 19th, 26th 

Finals will be Friday August 8th. 

Rates and Fees & Refunds

Programs, passes, and rentals are priced on Active Net and can also be found on page 4 of Community Services Schedule D on the bottom of the Recreation & Facilities home page. 

Admission rates include:

  • Single Admission $5
  • Single Family Admission $20
  • 10 Session Pass $45
  • Public Swimming Individual Pass $125
  • Public Swimming Family Pass $250

Refunds requests are generally not granted. A full refund will be issued for a program cancelled by the Community Services Recreation Department. In the event of pool closure during a Public Swim or Family Swim, staff will give a single-use pass (to be used at a future visit) to patrons affected by the closure if more than 45 minutes remaining in the swim.

Palmerston Splash Pad

The splash pad beside the Palmerston Pool is open daily from late May until early September from 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM.