New To Minto
Welcome to Minto - we are happy to have you! Whether you are new or a returning resident, this page will help you navigate the area.
Minto is home to over 9 000 residents. It is a vibrant community that offers several things to enjoy, including parks and trails, museums and restaurants, and many local shops in the downtown cores. Whether you are renting, purchasing or building a home, we know that adjusting to living in a new community can sometimes be challenging, so we’ve provided some resources and useful information below to help. As you settle into your new home, you may have some questions. We have put together a New Resident Package that has commonly requested information about Minto. You can view the package online, print it off for your use, or visit the Municipal Office for a paper copy.
The resources below have been put together to help with navigating the community and services available. If you have more questions, please contact us at the Municipal Office.
Citizen Request Portal
Introducing the Citizen Request Portal - a simple, streamlined approach to access Town services where you can add your concerns, issues, or provide general feedback.
Community Attractions Guide
Explore the Town of Minto with our Community Attractions Guide! Discover outdoor adventures in parks and trails, delve into local history at historical sites, and find entertainment spots for all ages. This guide is your go-to resource for the scoop on Minto's community offerings. Get ready to explore, have fun, and make lasting memories in our welcoming town!
Education and Libraries
Minto emphasizes education and offers quality schools. The town's libraries are modern, providing resources and programs for community learning and enrichment.
The Town of Minto is the place to play!
View recreational facilities and amenities in the Town of Minto.
Finance & Taxes
Find all of the Finance & Taxes applications, licenses and permits that the Town of Minto offers.
Fire and Emergency Services
Minto is equipped with reliable fire and emergency services that ensure the safety and well-being of its residents in times of crisis.
Garbage and Recycling
Garbage and Recycling services in the Town of Minto are managed by the County of Wellington.
Health Care
Healthcare professionals that are committed to providing quality care to the Town of Minto.
View recreational program opportunities in the Town of Minto.
Stop for a breath of fresh air & explore Minto's picturesque trails and parks.
Electricity, natural gas, water, sewage and high speed internet connectivity make our lives more comfortable. Utility providers in the Town of Minto are dedicated to bringing you cost-efficient, quality services to your home.
The Town of Minto is “Where Your Family Belongs” largely in part because of the great community groups and organizations that deliver exceptional programming and experiences. If you’re looking to get involved in the community, check out the volunteer opportunities available or fill out the form and we’ll get you connected to the right organization.