Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Committee Mandate
The committee works with the Town of Minto on matters related to diversity, equity, and inclusion to ensure Minto lives up to its commitment to be a welcoming and inclusive rural community.
To the greatest extent possible, members from the community will represent a broad range of under-served and equity seeking groups such as but not limited to:
- Indigenous peoples
- Newcomers, new Canadians
- Persons living in poverty
- Persons with disabilities
- Racialized people, people of diverse ethnic or cultural origin
- Seniors
- Women
- Youth
- 3-5 Community Members working in allyship
- The Director of Economic & Community Development and the Marketing and Community Development Coordinator or their designates will attend all meetings.
Members of the Committee
- Deputy Mayor Jean Anderson
- Ahmad Almohamad
- Kerry Ammerman
- Therese Boertien
- Heather Gray
- Peyton McBeth
- Brittany Reis
- Jokelee Vanderkop
- Mabel Amapali
- Alicia Becker
- Sarah Bowers-Peter
- Caitlin Hall
- Jessica Rowden
- Stefen Von Muhlenen
Join the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee.
Help us build a more inclusive community.
Working Group within DEI
Minto Pride Committee
Minto Pride was founded in 2019 and operates as a working group within the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee.
Run by a small group of volunteers, Minto Pride encourages inclusion, and increases visibility, of the LGBTQ2S+ community in the Town of Minto, while promoting education on the diversity of gender, sex and sexual identity.
Harriston, Palmerston, and Clifford are diverse and growing communities in Minto. We strive to bring people from a variety of walks of life together to create a shared society where there is room to learn from, socialize with, and get to know each other.
We celebrate Pride by holding events and advocating for the LGBTQ2S+ community. Past events have included our annual Pride in Park event in June, Drag nights, Socials, Trivia nights, and more.
Since the creation of our group, we've successfully advocated for the Pride flag to be flown at Town Hall during June, a presentation to Council on the importance of Pride, as well as the approval for a rainbow crosswalk in Harriston.
These are small steps on the rural road of equity that led to making Minto a place where all families want to belong.
Do you want to stay up to date on our events and happenings? Get in contact, or simply show your support? You can find us on Facebook and Instagram @mintopride or email us at mintopridecommitte@gmail.com.