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Updated: Jul 7, 2023

The Town of Minto, in partnership with the County of Wellington, strives to ensure its programs, services and facilities are barrier-free for residents with disabilities.

Specific standards under the AODA include the Customer Service Standard and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR), which is comprised of four unique standards covering:

  • Employment
  • Transportation
  • Design of Public Spaces
  • Information and Communication

The Town welcomes the use of personal assistive devices, service animals and support persons when needed to access our programs and services. Service animals are permitted in our facilities in areas that are open to the public and admission fees to non-ticketed, Town-run events are waived for support persons. More information can be found in our Customer Service Policy.

Customer Service Policy File Size: 100.22 KB Download


The Employment Standard is one of the main pillars of the IASR.  As such, accessible recruitment, information for employees, processes to accommodate employees and workplace emergency response information will be provided and promoted by the Town of Minto.  Candidates are required to make accommodations requests known in advance during the recruitment process.


The Town of Minto does not offer transportation services and all taxi cabs are licensed through the County of Wellington's Taxi By-Law.  There are no provisions under the Transportation Standard that apply to the Town of Minto.

Taxi By Law File Size: 1.94 MB Download

Design of Public Spaces Standard

In 2005 the County of Wellington partnered with the City of Guelph, Homewood Health and the Upper Grand District School Board to develop a building standard that met the needs of the community.  The Town of Minto, along with all other municipalities in the County of Wellington, have adopted this design manual as a guideline.

The Facility Accessibility Design Manual (FADM) outlines the Town's and County's commitment for accessibility within Town-owned and County-owned facilities. It is used for new construction as well as renovation projects.  The purpose of the manual is to provide a higher level of accessibility than is currently offered in the Ontario Building Code.

Information and Communication

The Town of Minto strives to ensure our website complies with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.  All Town of Minto print and online publications are available in alterative formats, such as large print and audio, upon request by calling 519-338-2511 ext. 246 or by emailing:

Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Town of Minto is a member of the County of Wellington's Accessibility Advisory Committee.  The County established the Committee (AAC) in 2005.  As per the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001, a majority of the members must be people with disabilities. The purpose of the AAC is to provide guidance and advice to the County, and its local municipalities.  The Committee meets approximately 3-4 times per year at the Elora Library.

For more information, visit their Website

Get In Touch

Quinn Gorecki Deputy Clerk/Coordinator, Legislative and Human Resource Services

519-338-2511 ext 246