In Minto, the local government prioritizes community engagement and responsive governance. They work closely with residents, ensuring their voices are heard through inclusive decision-making and effective public services, creating a thriving and harmonious community.
The Town of Minto, in partnership with the County of Wellington, strives to ensure its programs, services and facilities are barrier-free for residents with disabilities.
Meet Your 2022-2026 Council
Agendas and Minutes
View the Town of Minto Council Agendas and Minutes, by selecting the appropriate meeting date.
Boards and Committees
Individuals are to be appointed to Committees of the Town of Minto Council, Advisory Committees, lndependent Boards and other Advisory Bodies for the Corporation of the Town of Minto
Budget & Finance
View current at previous budgets as decided on by the Town of Minto Council.
Join our team!
The Town of Minto is a lower-tier municipal government in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. The municipality is mainly rural and agricultural, with industry and small businesses in the urban areas.
Freedom of Information
The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) states that an individual has a right to access certain information kept by a municipality, and that a municipality must protect the personal and proprietary information in its custody.
Policies and Procedures
Administrative Policies & Public Works Policies in the Town of Minto.
2022 Municipal Election
See the Results of the most recent municipal election in the Town of Minto.
Studies, Plans and Reports
The Town of Minto actively conducts studies, formulates comprehensive plans, and prepares detailed reports to ensure effective governance, sustainable development, and informed decision-making for the benefit of its residents and community.
Tenders and Bids
The Town of Minto diligently manages tenders and bids, adhering to a transparent and competitive process, to secure the best value for money and foster a fair and inclusive business environment within the community.
Land Acknowledgment
The lands we know today as the Town of Minto have been home to Indigenous peoples since time immemorial. We acknowledge that we are on the treaty lands and traditional territory of the Anishinaabe and the Haudenosaunee.
2024-2028 Strategic Plan
On February 20th, 2024, the Town of Minto Council endorsed the new 2024-2028 Strategic Plan which will guide Council and staff in the coming years.