Commercial Properties
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29B Elora St. N.
Address: 29B Elora St. N.
Location: Clifford
Contact Name: Sean LeMay
Contact Title: Owner
Phone: 519-748-9960
For Rent: $850-$1200/month (depending on required renovations)
Size: Approximately 600 sq.ft
Formerly Kim's Grooming Salon.
Extensive exterior and interior renovations to be completed in late winter early spring. Click here for renovation plans.
Parties interested early in the renovation process may have your input incorporated.
Prime opportunity for Hair/Beauty/Nail salon, massage therapy, bakery or other retail operation.
Feel free to contact Sean to discuss possibilities.

84 Elora St.
Address: 84 Elora St.
Location: Clifford
Contact Name: Michael Conrad
Contact Title: Realtor
Phone: 519-742-7000
For Sale: $1,500,000
14.55 acres of C2-15 Highway Commercial development site. The property is well located at the north end of Clifford and has highway exposure. Presently used as a mini-putt and driving range with a 1,000 sf building used for take out food, washrooms (2) and storage. Business not active. Building adaptable to other uses. On-site municipal water and septic, with municipal sewers available at the road. Additional information regarding Official Plan amendment positively impacting the property available from listing agent.

32 Elora St. S.
Address: 32 Elora St. S.
Location: Harriston
Contact Name: Rick & Karen
Contact Title: Owner
Phone: 519-375-5563
For Rent: $900 + utilities
Here is an opportunity to start your own restaurant and also earn an income from the two residential rental units above the restaurant. This building offers a restaurant with seating for 62 guests and also offers two 2 bedroom rental units above that are currently rented.

26 Elora St.
Address: 26 Elora St.
Location: Harriston
Contact Name: Matia Kim
Contact Title: Realtor
Phone: 416-218-8800
For Sale: $569,000
Excellent Location And Very Profitable Convenience In Fast-Growing Downtown Harriston In Minto. Average Weekly Sale: $10,000 Cigarette 50% (Margin 13%), Others 50% (Margin 40%), Lotto $3,100/M, Atm: $7,500/Yr, 2nd Floor: 4 Bed Apartment. Great Opportunity To Own Property & Convenience Business. Pls Be Discreet When Showing & Do Not Talk To Employees.**** EXTRAS **** Asking Price Includes, All Lease Improvement & Existing Chattels. Stock Is Extra. List Of Chattels & Financial Statements Will Be Provided With Accepted Offer Only

135 Main St. W.
Address: 135 Main St. W.
Location: Palmerston
Contact Name: Bruce & Linda Turton
Contact Title: Small Town Pizza Owners
Phone: 519-503-1012
Business For Sale: $219,000
Turnkey pizza restaurant in a prime downtown location with 29 years of success. Includes a spacious kitchen, dining area, and basement storage. Fully equipped with ovens, fridges, prep stations, and more. Business and equipment for sale, with leasing options available, as well as training offered to the new owner. More details here.